N1NJ4 | 2007-09-13 10:25
Use ALL your mouse buttons
keymap.cfg (2.55 KB)
DarkStar | 2007-09-12 19:20
Quick Options GUI
points ]
 (2 votes)
Easy Access to Multiplayer, Gameplay and Performance Options.
autoexec.cfg (2.85 KB)
Deathstar | 2007-09-10 19:45
New Bot_names
points ]
 (3 votes)
New Bots Names for your singleplayer mode in AC
bot_names.zip (1.11 KB)
Muki Hyena | 2007-08-17 05:52
3-level zoom
points ]
 (1 vote)
A 3-level zoom, using middlemouse
my3lz.cfg (503 bytes)
MeatROme | 2007-08-05 00:16
Command TAB-Completion
points ]
 (9 votes)
complete the _argument_ of (selected) commands with TAB
cmdTAB.zip (5.49 KB)
MeatROme | 2007-01-14 11:32
"Q" CubeScript Pack
points ]
 (4 votes)
This content is compatible with older edition(s) of the game it was made for, and is not guaranteed to work with the current or development versions.
script package - editor and gameplay enhancements
QCSP_v0.5a_070527.zip (156.77 KB)
MeatROme | 2007-01-19 00:05
QCSP_plugin 'de'-keymappings
points ]
 (2 votes)
enable german keys in sauerbraten (based on QCSP)
QCSP_plugin-de_070119.zip (1.98 KB)
Drakas | 2006-12-01 22:06
Advanced sniping script
points ]
 (6 votes)
This content is compatible with older edition(s) of the game it was made for, and is not guaranteed to work with the current or development versions.
No need to recustomise everything all over again!
adsnipe.cfg (1.48 KB)
driAn | 2006-11-18 22:57
CubeScript Quine :P
points ]
 (2 votes)
a script that writes its own content to the console - quite useful ;P
quine.cfg (43 bytes)
MeatROme | 2006-08-20 15:23
full entproperty control
points ]
 (2 votes)
advanced entproperty control
bind_entprop.cfg (461 bytes)
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