marvin2k | 2015-01-31 22:50
This content requires the Development Branch of the game it was designed for, which can only be obtained from the SVN repository. If you do not understand this, you should wait until the next release of the game to download this content.
All creation files to modify Solaris edition mod
Solaris Mod Kit
This content is compatible with older edition(s) of the game it was made for, and is not guaranteed to work with the current or development versions.
Original and last Mod launched on 2009 for Sauer Trooper edition engine
Solaris Complete Mod Original (Sauer trooper edition)
AndreONEz | 2013-11-02 15:18
Total translation for AssaultCube
AssaultCube 100% ITALIANO (618.3 KB)
(Partly Inspired by Brutal Doom and Touhou)
Much Deadlier Monster AI (Shoots first, asks questions later.. fixed)
Mars | 2013-05-05 07:25
Mars as seen from a Martian moon
Mars 17 (119.64 KB)
ThomasT | 2012-09-08 15:31
This content requires the Development Branch of the game it was designed for, which can only be obtained from the SVN repository. If you do not understand this, you should wait until the next release of the game to download this content.
Fixes the Mac OS X SVN release so that it compiles, provides an uncompiled MainMenu.nib, and simplifies game startup (2.11 MB)
speckenflecken | 2012-01-27 20:51
Balance matches between heterogenous players with a high skill range. Make playing fun for everyone - even n00bies.
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