A singleplayer platform game with 4 levels. Woodworld, Waterworld, Skyworld & Lavaworld.
Inspired by Super Mario Bros (NES).
Collect as many coins as possible in the quickest possible time.
Get to the final fortress in Lavaworld and find 4 golden keys to unlock the final gate and rescue the golden star.
Game over...
Final score is calculated by multiplying the time remaining by total coins collected, plus the total coins collected.
Points are awarded for killing enemies and finishing the game before your time runs out.
Two Weapons
Only use two weapons in this game.
The 'mushroom grenades' and 'mushroom rockets'.
Mushroom Grenades - for close combat
Mushroom Rockets - for longer range
New enemies for this mod:
10 new enemies for this mod. They are still a bit 'rough around the edges' but they work ok.
Invisible / slimeball 0 pts
Yellow Snagon / fireball 400pts
Giant Red Sangon / fireball 1000 pts
Yellow Muncher/ bite 100pts
Red Muncher / bite 150 pts
Green Tortoise / Bite 250 pts
Red Tortoise / bite 200 pts
Fish / bite 100 pts
Evil Sun / fireball 1000 pts
Killer Duck / bite 200 pts
To install
No instalation is necessary. Just extract the downloaded Platform_World_FINAL_V4.Zip file and click
'Play Platform World.exe' ( or'Platform World.bat'if it don't work) in the root folder to start playing.
By default the game runs in windowed mode 1024x768. You can easily change this to fullscreen by selecting
'Options / Display / Fullscreen '. Remember to change you screen resolution if necessary.
If on first starting the game a GUI appears saying 'the following settings have changed', just click 'Yes'
and the default settings will be applied. This may happen if 'config.cfg' is deleted.
Note for Sauerbraten players: This is a standalone Mod so keep it in a separate folder from Sauerbraten.
Default settings
As set in 'defaults.cfg'. Change these in 'autoexec.cfg' if required.
fullscreen 0 // Run in windowed mode
gamma 100
scr_w 1024 // For windowed mode
scr_h 768 // For windowed mode
colorbits 32
depthbits 24
stencilbits 1
fsaa -1
vsync 0
shaders 1
shaderdetail 3
shaderprecision 0
soundchans 64
soundfreq 22050
soundbufferlen 4096
System Requirements:
Minimum requirements: 1.5 GHz+ Pentium 4/Celeron or AMD Athlon XP 1500+ CPU, 512MB RAM and a GeForce 4 MX 64MB or equivalent ATI GPU.
Recomended: 2GHz+ CPU, 2048MB RAM, GeForce 6600 GT or equivalent ATI GPU.
"A" - Move Left
"D" - Move Right
"S" - Move Backward
"W" - Move Forward
"SPACE" - Jump
"MOUSE1" - Attack / Shoot
"MOUSE2" or "Z" - Zoom in/out
"SCROLLWHEEL up/down" - Change Weapon
"PAUSE" - Pause Game
"SPACE" - Jump
"TAB" - Ingame Information
"ESCAPE" - Main Menu
"1" - Display weapon
"2" - Display Frames per second
"3" - Play in 3rd person player mode
"F12" - Take a screenshot
"F1" - Move game window ( Windowed mode only )
Known Issues:
Bonus area music is not always triggered.
If you die in bonus areas the music does not change.
Be sure to start the game by pressing ' START GAME ' at the intro splash screen as this resets all the
variables and the timers.
To Do:
Find a way to count player deaths.
Improve on character animations.
Replace player models with a custom character ( Mario 'ish ).
Find or create a princess type model to rescue.
Added new health and health boost apple MD3 models.
Added 'Quit Game' to GUI menus.
Added new sounds and music + converted all to .ogg.
Lowered islands in waterworld. (Easier to jump on now).
Removed some health apples.
Added menu to lava world fortress. Now Says how many gates left to open.
TAB key now shows gameinfo GUI.
Pause at the start of the game until START GAME pressed.
Removed Inky, Orgo, Ironsnout and Mr Fixit player models.
Captain Cannon now works in 3rd person.
Changed crosshair graphics.
Changed explosions graphics.
Removed DDS textures from player model.
New shield and respawn point models.
Now collect 4 keys instead of gates to open final gate.
New Killer Duck model
Removed 10000 point finish bonus.
Removed unused weapons.
Removed all editing code.
Added 'Move game window' gui to reposition the window when playing in windowed mode.
Source Code:
Included in this package.
Steve - [email protected]