q1dm4 - The Bad Place - from Quake 1
:: author: Lazy [HUN] (Gabor Toth); original map by American McGee, ID Software
:: version 1.0, released in September 2006
:: installation: unzip into your Sauerbraten\packages\base folder and type "map q1dm4" on the console
:: 2 player DM is strongly recommended
:: minor changes according to the original map:
- the 150 armor has been replaced with riflerounds
- the yellow armor room is lowered so you can get back to the center with a rifle jump :)
- added an extra health pack near the teleport on the top floor
- 1 rocket pack instead of 3 on the first floor
:: built in 4 days using Sauerbraten editor and watching the original map's layout in Qoole, a Quake map editor
:: thanks to Blindabuser for ideas and support
:: this is my first release for Sauerbraten
:: you may not use this map for commercial purposes
:: contact
e-mail: [email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
Have fun!