Windecker | 2010-04-10 23:32
Speed Mapping Client Idea -
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 (2 votes)

I had an idea earlier today and it goes with a forum post on speed mapping from a long time back. I doubt it is a new idea.

I was thinking of a set features between client and server that would serve for speed mapping competitions.
The clients would have an editing lock, and the servers would be able to switch this editing lock on or off.
The master ( Player ) would be able to tell the server when to remove the lock, how long to keep it off and then in turn, when to turn it on. The server would simply allow the players to edit for X amount of time, then disallow them the ability to edit. With a timer this could be set up for 1 hour speed mapping competitions.

A foreseeable problem is having multiple people on a single server resulting in lag and viewing of each others' work. In such a case multiple slave servers could be set up with a linking to a master server, this master server sending the start and stop signals to the slave servers, and from there the slave servers allowing or disallowing editing for their single client. ( spectators would be permitted )

After the allotted time is up, maps could be uploaded to an external source for comparing and voting.
^^ Expanding: A separate sendmap command, mayhap /uploadmap, would send the maps files of each competitor to the specialized master server. From there they could be taken, viewed, and rated.
Personally, I've always liked the idea of speed mapping competitions but unless everybody is in the same room it can be difficult to coordinate.

Just my thoughts, feedback is welcome.

Edit: I looked at the post again - This one - and there's talk of teams. Another feature allowing a specific number of clients per slave server could allow this, and allowing one person to be master of each slave server.

More thoughts: Lots of new servers are IRC linked, this can allow for cross-server chat, and team chat could be used to talk between yourself and your partner specifically. ( not spectators )

Chasester_aka_you | 2010-04-01 14:46
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 (1 vote)

I have notice over my time at quad that many of the maps on quadropolis, fail to include a config or they fail to use a texturereset:

My personally preference is that every map should be required to do a texturerest because if ever the textures get removed or added to the pack it will mess them up. I was more or less wondering what the general consensus was about this matter. Should we require a CFG file and require a texturereset or is this not important. Also should we require that the wpt file must be inclued to be considered to be packaged correctly. This just gets really bloody anoying. Having to tag up on all the bots, of course this would not be required for conseptual maps.

If you could just leave your response on what you think about this idea, or add anything, take away or rephrase anything.

The Toll Under The Bridge

griffm | 2010-03-31 01:07

Wow. So I am gone for almost 2 days, and there are 2 new forum posts with a grand total of 30 replies. With all this activity what have we learned?

Well based off of the past few days shenanigans, I think these NEW Commandments would be helpful.

Commandment 11
Try thine hardest to preserve our peaceful, non-spammed, (mostly) non-trolled Quad, peaceful not trolled and not spammed.
- Immature, random, or blatantly hateful posts would be a good definition of “trolling”
Its a lot like Commandment 10, but reiteration never hurt anyone.

As a solution to the Grammar Police. I propose an 12th commandment on Quad.
It is as follows -

Commandment 12
Thou shall copy and paste all forum posts, map/mod descriptions, and lengthy comments/reviews to a word processor with an adequate spell-checking feature before posting on the most glorious Quad.
- While most browsers have a "spell-checker", most can agree they are sub-par to the one used in
Microsoft Word. I am not 100% on what is used with Macs or Linux.
- Words like “Noob” and other phrases used in “The Culture of the Internet” should be exempt
from this Commandment.


While nothing can be done to stop it. I think in ANY internet based community, multi-accounts are frowned upon.

Commandment 13
If thou chooses to make multi accounts for any reason, and Mods or the community find out.
Well nothing will happen but you should feel bad.


Was anyone else TOTALLY THROWN by the plot twist of Chase being pwned by his bro?
I was, and to be honest, I loled. Nothing against you Chase, I just found the situation hilarious.

If any of you have siblings, and Chase apparently you do, you should realize their irrational need to mess
with you.
Its genetic or something. :D

L. Tempris | 2010-03-30 14:56
Iron Fist
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 (1 vote)

Hello, and welcome to Iron Fist! This project is built as a hybrid of Blood Frontier. Iron Fist is built as a hybrid of Blood Frontier. Its main goal is to tie together Sauerbraten and Blood Frontier, as a sort of bridge between the two. Please note that this is a half-what mod, and as such may not be featured on Quadropolis. It is simply a "toss-together" of the two games, but it is clear that it is strictly tied to Blood Frontier. Thanks to Quin (lead developer of Blood Frontier), this project is possible. Without the help, I would never be able to put this together. Iron Fist is built upon Blood Frontier Beta 1 (0.80). I utilize a few open source objects found on Quadropolis, and give total credit to those whos works I use, even if I create a derivitive of it. If you find one of your works in Iron Fist, and wish for me to display it differently, or would like for them to be taken out, please contact me at: ([email protected]) or at ([email protected]). Thank you.

This thread is for discusion related to Iron Fist and its happenings... You can also find this project on at

Mysterious | 2010-03-27 06:46
À New Game Mode ?
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 (1 vote)

While i was playing effic yesterday i got à great idea about à New Game Mode in sauer.

The Problem is , i don't really Know how to script or to programme.
Maybe some of you Know à Tutorial ( maybe in German too ? )

Now to the Mode :
the idea was to Set items like coins or anything like that around some Maps ( for example Hallo )
then 2 Teams ( or more) have to collect These items.
The Time limit is Set to 10 min ( maybe more or less ).
And when you get killed , the coins you collected before , are Falling on the Floor and have to Be collected again.
The Team with the Most-collected items wins.

About the weapons in my idea :
i thought of 2 versions , One with insta and the other One with all weapons , but at the Mode with all weapons you don't have to collect them , because you will spawn with them like in effic.

What is so specific about my idea ?
Some of the coins could Be Set to à place , where you Need Some "climbing-ability" to get on but Not too hard because this would get frustrating then.
I mean places like the roof of the cathedral at Hallo.

I personally Love this idea and i Hope you think so , too.
Please write your opinion here and help me to become my idea true !

So keep on fragging , Mapping , scripting , playing and so on :)
your mysterious

Mysterious | 2010-03-19 20:11
Funmaps into a sauer-Release ?
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 (1 vote)

Do you know funmaps like slides , mxrace ... ?

They are really Funny to play and à good Change to the main sauerbraten game .
So Why shouldnt they get into à Release ?
Why don't make à rubric "Funmaps" ?

Off course they also have too Look good .

Pls leave your opinion here to See how you all think about this !

Greetings from Mysterious

byte512 | 2010-03-19 19:54

Hi everyone.
Since I have been trying to create some maps for a while now and am not happy with my results,
I have thought about some changes that would improve/enhance mapcreation in Sauer.

I personally want to see the following improvements in the next version of Sauer:

-editing the maps geometry with shapes (e.g. circle, half-circle, half-sphere, arches.....)
this would make mapping a lot easier, especially for beginners
alternatively: geometry templates for complex things

-direct painting onto map geometry

-a menu to add shaders to a texture used in the map(i didn't get how to work with shaders by now)

-browsing the mapmodels with preview pictures

-dynamic lists of mapmodels and textures

-angled materials and better material-shaders(you wont see lava that is right behind a glass layer and some more errors)

-some "pain-material" would be cool, too

-a mirror-texture

-working sp-elements for all gamemodes(like doors, triggers...)

-real-time lighting(though it isn't probably to have this integrated into Sauer)

Now some questions:
What do You think?
Any more suggestions?
Should I post this on
Do You think that we can see some of this in Sauer in the future?

Derok | 2010-03-16 14:34
Adding new playermodels
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 (1 vote)

very short question: how to add 4 playermodels? It says that it is an invalid range.

Windecker | 2010-03-10 22:39
Proper Criticism.
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 (7 votes)
Starred Content

Most of these are from a wikihow page, with some modifications and clarifications- Just thought I would point that out there before somebody else noticed and started screaming "PHONY!"

"Criticism is to improve oneself and ones life, but not to insult or disgrace someone."
We use criticism as a system of finding and correcting possible faults to achieve a better end result.
If done properly, criticism is a good way to help us all improve our work by getting bits of feedback from other people, and their thoughts to help better the product.

If criticism is not done properly, for example: by one who is not a mature, diplomatic person, it may backfire. Backfired criticism leads to what may appear to be personal attacks or vastly opinionated arguments.

1: Make sure you have a good understanding of what your criticizing before you do such. Put yourself in their shoes, see things how they might see them. Think how you would like to be treated if this was your own content and other people were criticizing it.

2: Criticism should address any unclear areas and end with ways to fix them or improve them. Saying "The stairs suck," Is not criticism, it's an opinion. Instead say, "You get hung up on the stairs, this could be fixed by clipping each step."

3: Address the good things along side the bad. Do your best to refrain from making the person who's work you are criticizing feel like crap. For an example "The stairs need a lot of work, though the architecture supporting the ceiling is quite well done." This complements the work but also shows where a problem lies.

4: Do not criticize the Person for their work, criticize the work.
One great mistake is to point out the errors of the person and not their work, refrain from insulting people or putting them down because you dislike their content.

5: Don't use the word "You," as it can make what your saying seem like a personal attack, even if your not intending it to. Odds are the person will reply defensively. This is a common thing that is prone to start arguments, like that of which occurred in a node here not long ago.
As an example "You made a large error on the wall that causes players to get stuck," This could be changed to "There is an error in the one wall that causes players to get stuck." Some people will put emphasis on the "You" when they read it which sometimes make it seem more like an accusation.

6: Check over what you've said before you post it. Improper wording can lead to people interpreting what your saying as something different entirely. We don't have tone of voice in text, and if you word something improperly then someone may see it as an insult.
Imagine somebody saying "Great work!" First imagine it in a rewarding, kind tone, then in a sarcastic tone. The difference is made by the text leading up to the words, where as in real conversation the difference is shown in the way we say the words.

7: I can't put enough emphasis on this, but check your spelling and grammar! This goes hand in hand with the previous point, and a criticism that nobody can understand is of little use to anybody. If your horrible at english, or just typing in general, thats alright as long as you try your best. If all else fails then try an online app: for example
Once your done, read it over a time or two.

This post was read over three times and revised twice.

Razfit | 2010-03-03 02:24
Im new and not very good at scripting
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 (1 vote)

I was wondering if someone already has or would make a money system and a shop system to go with it.
Thanks for reading my post :)

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