FerreusRemedium | 2013-03-02 00:28
Playername Tab-Completion
points ]
 (1 vote)
Use playername tab-completion for commands that use a client-number.
playernamecomplete.cfg (7.53 KB)
Chasester_aka_you | 2009-09-08 16:48
Music Player V 2.0
points ]
 (2 votes)
A Music play for cube.. plays all cube files... ogg mp3s ect.
musicplayerMin.zip (56.31 KB)
Salatiel | 2022-01-23 15:48
Workarounds to allow editing the faces and edges of a cube using commands without requiring a modified client.
cubedeformer.zip (5.73 KB)
Chaos | 2011-10-12 22:48
AutoSorry Script - v1.0
points ]
 (1 vote)
This script will automatically say a custom message in the event of a teamkill.
autosorry.cfg (901 bytes)
Anonymous | 2009-08-20 17:11
Quick Access Pad v1.1
points ]
 (1 vote)
Access most important commands with numpad! Dynamic bindings.
qap.zip (7.6 KB)
gabdab | 2008-10-07 22:30
obj.cfg creation automate python script
points ]
 (1 vote)
Starred Content
automate obj.cfg creation
objcfg.py.zip (921 bytes)
N1NJ4 | 2007-09-13 10:25
Use ALL your mouse buttons
keymap.cfg (2.55 KB)
Muki Hyena | 2007-08-17 05:52
3-level zoom
points ]
 (1 vote)
A 3-level zoom, using middlemouse
my3lz.cfg (503 bytes)
Ardelico | 2015-08-05 18:06
Weapon Sensitivity Script
points ]
 (1 vote)
A script that modifies sensitivity to your custom settings when holding/attacking a/with specific weapon.
wepsens.cfg (3.86 KB)
kirby | 2014-03-30 11:47
Red Eclipse - PrivateChat
points ]
 (1 vote)
PrivateChat - Chatting silency.
PrivateChat 1.3.zip (2.29 KB)
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