torben | 2017-04-24 15:13
A script to control day and night cycle.
Quality | 2014-09-29 09:39
A File Explorer-GUI for in-game browsing through you pc..
filez.cfg (4.72 KB)
Leetex | 2013-05-25 17:13
Hashtagger (fun script)
hashtagger.cfg (1.07 KB)
This is a server-side cubescript implementation of irc-style #register and #identify commands.
cmd_register.cfg (3.16 KB)
Chaos | 2012-07-31 19:47
Manage the numerous binds of your mouse with ease!
mousebinds.cfg (2.79 KB)
Jed | 2012-05-14 12:21
A script that starts zombie matches
zomb.cfg (1.45 KB)
Papriko | 2012-02-05 18:51
A second attempt of my small GUI for coloring maptitles and other strings
coloredmaptitle.cfg (2.41 KB)
Kerberos | 2011-08-27 04:13
Adds a new GUI whenever F7 is pressed that has many options for coop editing feautres
aegui.cfg (2.71 KB)
Snouty | 2011-04-23 11:21
This script creates a command with which you easily can start clanwars
clanwar.cfg (3.07 KB)
Snouty | 2011-03-23 19:26
A small function library you can use
lib.cfg (3.58 KB)
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