Sooo, all you mac users out there feel left out, is that what i am hearing? Well i did too, until a good friend named R3@per taught me how to host on a mac. I heard it was possible, and knew it was possible. But every tutorial i read on hosting was dedicated to Windows and Linux, and only had a little side note on Macs. The other hosting tutorial had mac instructions, but i found them not to work for me. I do not know about you guys, but then again, it did not work for me!

First, drag to your computer's Applications folder.

Now, create a folder called "sauerbraten" in the hidden /etc/ folder.
Next, now open txt editor (or the program you prefer) and in the text
editor put:

maxclients 20
serverbotlimit 5
serverdesc "Server Name Here"
adminpass Password
servermotd "Motd Here"

Now save this as server-init.cfg (YES IT NEEEEDS TO BE .cfg FILE!)

Now place this in the /etc/sauerbraten/ folder.

Now, from the command-line, run:
/Applications/ -d -k/etc/sauerbraten


I believe you can add what ever mod you want, you just put it in the /etc/ folder as the cfg, then just do -k/etc/sauerbraten. To find the /etc/ folder just go into finder and search for etc, it's file path should be library/private/etc, you must have admin account AND know your password to authenticate for /etc/ to be modified. If it doesnt let you then click Authenticate when it gives you the can not be modified message!

I hoped i help some of you guys out there, and if any of you need help just comment (and i will answer) or ask on (not advertising :D) OR email me... if all else fails, at [email protected]!

johnno56 | 2012-08-27 11:41

This may sound like a stupid question. I have had Sauerbraten installed on my Ubuntu Linux box for what seems ages. I have noticed that the "Justice" version is available for download. So as not to be wasting time or effort, I need to know what version I am currently using. How can I find out?


SomeDude | 2012-08-23 03:47

I modified "rorschach/1r_floor02.jpg" so sections are transparent, but for some reason Sauer seems treat it as a glowmap sometimes.

Here's what I've been doing:
1. Modify "1r_floor02.jpg" in, and save as 32-bit ".png"
2. In map's config:
texture 0 "1r_floor02.png"
texture d "1r_floor02.png"
3. In-game; apply texture, add alpha material, and valpha so the face is solid.

I've done this with 2 other textures, and it's worked just fine. I'm not entirely sure if this is a problem in Sauer, or
Anyway, is there something I am forgetting?

I am attempting to understand Sauerbraten's mod development model. First, I have successfully compiled and run the Justice Edition and latest svn release of Sauerbraten as well as Tesseract, all under Mac OS X Snow Leopard. (Compiling and modifying the svn release has some issues on the Mac that I've solved but won't go into here unless someone would like to hear about them.)

Next, I've attempted to understand how source mods are made. I found ("[MODDING] Your first Sauerbraten MOD, Tutorial 1"). It goes into great detail, describing how to create a new Sauserbraten mod by copying fpsgame, changing the makefile, etc. It then says to specify -g[modname] to execute the mod. However, the Sauerbraten configuration page ( says the -g option is used to specify the maximum number of bots a master can add to a server.

On the third hand, single stepping through the code leads to the argument parser in main() (i.e. SDL_main()) in engine/main.cpp). The parser indicates that the -g option is used to specify the log file! So it looks like the code, configuration documentation, and tutorial all disagree with each other.

Furthermore, after examining the included Makefile it looks like rpggame is not included, in disagreement with the tutorial. I've searched quadropolis for source mods, and it looks like every one at least that I could find just modifies the base source files and distributes the modified files in the mod. I've also done other fairly extensive searches of the web and have found no other information, except maybe a few other pages that say to specify the -g option to execute a mod.

Furthermore, the Mac OS X launcher internally sets the -grpg option to go into the (unused) rpg game code. I hacked the NIB file to actually exercise this path, and not unsurprisingly a log file called "rpg" was created in the user's default directory, sigh, and the rpg game code was never executed.

Lastly, after some more single-step spelunking and code analysis, I see that the game code is specified in the game namespace. This is true for both rpggame and fpsgame. What that means is (obviously) only one or the other but not both can be compiled into the code.

So of course what has happened is the source code has evolved to the point that it is out of sync with some code, documentation, and tutorials. Unfortunately this means it is all but impossible to discern the proper model for source modding the game engine at this point.

So could someone please provide me with some historical perspective on this (since I'm new to the forums)? Also, some guidance as to the proper current way to create and distribute source mods would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

skipyellow | 2012-07-22 08:46
Server Mods/scripts/Commands?
 point ]
 (1 vote)

Hey guys,

wondering if anyone could tell me some server mods or commands i can use for my server?

ive seen servers that show country information for connecting players and automated messages and what not..

i want to know them all!

also how you make it so your server will start in a certain mode on a certain map and how do you change the rules of the gamemodes and yeah..

all that jazz...

thanks guys!

Greaserpirate | 2012-07-18 19:42

I made a new gamemode for Red Eclipse a while ago called (Secret) Killer Mode. In this gamemode, there's one Killer that has some resistance to damage and tries to frag as many other players as possible without getting caught. Eveyone else is a Citizen, and they have to find who the Killer is without killing other Citizens. The Killer gets points whenever a citizen dies (including if the citizen was killed by another citizen), and the Citizens get points for fragging and/or damaging the Killer. I currently have a server up (sometimes) that uses this mode.

I decided that I should port this to Sauer, but there's one problem: I used a server varable called "killeractivated" to turn the mode on and off (and several other vars to adjust the gameplay), but I haven't found any equivalent in Sauer that isn't client side (which would mean players would have to download a modified version of Sauer to play this gamemode). Is there any way I can make a server variable that turns the mode on and off, or will I have to overwrite normal gameplay so that Sauerbraten always plays Killer Mode?

slashback79 | 2012-07-05 14:26

I'm doing a project for university looking at audio design for games and I'm using Cube as the game and Audiokinetic's Wwise and the audio engine.
For the most part I can go into the source, modify the code to trigger Wwise sound events for things like weapons and footsteps etc, but I'm struggling getting an interactive music system going.
I have an event in Wwise that contains ambient, tension and action music sequences and there is a game switch to change between them.
What I want to do is have it so ambient is default but if the player is within X distance of a monster the switch is set to tension and if the monster has seen the player the switch is set to action.

I have been following this tutorial which works fine with just one monster but it fails in a single player or deathmatch map with many monsters.
I think its because its checking the distance to the player for every enemy every frame.

Anyone have an idea on how this can be achieved in Cube?

jacko848 | 2012-07-05 02:07
regarding bots
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 (1 vote)

i have some questions that i need help figuring out:
Can you set a time for a bot match?
Why do the bots all disconnect after the first match is over?
Can you give bots names?

jacko848 | 2012-07-03 11:42

i have recently downloaded some maps and have added them to package/base/(map) i can then enter the game with this map but it doesnt appear in my concept map folder. so i cant play it in single player.
this only allows me to wonder around the map and edit it. i kneed to be able to put it into one of the map folder. (in game)

I just started playing the game yesterday and i realised you can download other peoples maps.
I can play it in editor mode but when i search my map folder to play bots the map is no where to be seen?
i need help!

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