CD Xbow | 2012-06-13 03:18
Help with Misfit 3D MD5 exporter
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Again we have nearly managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory! We really need some help with this MD5 exporter for Misfit3D that we developed which works almost perfectly. For windows there is a recompiled binary with the exporter rolled in and for the Linux version of Misfit there is a plugin.

At present the exporter works perfectly for the mesh and the animations. You export your model by selecting "Export" or "Save As" and typing .md5 or .md5mesh as your file extension. The exporter will then produce a xxxx.md5mesh, a xxxxx.mdanim for all animations and a prototype md5.cfg. If the animations are named they are spat out with that name. If they are not named then you get one, very big animation file with them all in. Best to name them first! It is very efficient if you name them first.

**** Updated ****

One of the tags problems was due to space names in the models bones. This is a big no-no.

The most important thing is you must NOT use the Misfit tags. If you use the tags the md5 model will stuff up. Read the wiki and download from the sourceforge site -

We have a battle armor model - and a human walker mek that are in Misfit format and the animations are set up ready to export. I have already posted these in the RE forums.

Now go forth and mekaply!

bat | 2012-06-05 18:12

hi, some time ago i developed and published here on quadropolis an incomplete(alpha)version of some maps called freedom-force. I cannot spend much time on it, but now the work is almost done: actually i prepared a complete -italian- version.

Before publish it I will translate it in a reasonably good english, but I know my english is not good enough for that, so i'm looking for someone who can help me.
Is not essential know italian (i can produce a basic english text), it is enough try to understand my draft and write it down in a better way. I'm looking for someone who can spend some time on it (there's a lot scripted text). Obvious requirement: fluent english.

johnadamsfromUS | 2012-06-05 16:25

While i am playing the sounds sometimes do not work. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and how to fix this? If so, please let me know.

Ryand | 2012-06-02 01:39

I am running osx Lion, and have recently checked out the SVN. I tried to compile from the xcode project included, but for some reason the build fails every time. Are there special settings required? I know my SVN is fully updated and working, as when I load the files in parallels desktop the game runs (but obviously very poorly due to virtualization, hence the need for a mac build). Any feedback is appreciated! Oh, by the way, the failure was as follows: Apple Mach-O (ld) error, Command /Developer/usr/bin/llvm-g++-4.2 failed with exit code 1.

sniper15601 | 2012-05-26 16:11

So I've downloaded some new hud guns and tried replacing the chaing folder with the new folder but get nothing at all. I'm extracting the new file to my sauerbraten folder and putting it in the chaing folder, but when I open the folder or start the game, the new gun doesnt appear. Any help?

harmonillustration | 2012-05-24 21:55

Sorry for being a total hack noob, but not everyone can be cool.

I have a problem. I was messing around with some mods involving the Ogro character. Long story short, when I play as Ogro, everything is fine, he is regular size and has his regular skin, but when I play a one player game the Ogro enemy character is HUGE and seems to have a wacky yellow skin with white letters.

How do I fix this? How do I make him regular size with his regular skin?


ShostakovichStudios | 2012-05-11 00:30

I've always wanted to develop my own custom hud gun, but I never knew how. Besides, of course, gut-spilling work.
Can someone explain to me how to develop a Hud Gun?

theintercooler | 2012-05-02 20:07

We've been lucky enough at TheIntercooler Games to have a game server hosting company host our game for free.

I wanna set up server for easy connection, that sets it so the master is controlled by an admin not changing each match.

I also wanted it to start a map and maybe a defualt game type, right now it starts in co-op edit mode. I'd like it to start in a game mode and remove edit mode all together.

So far I've created this for the bat file. Am I on the right track?

bin\RR_GAME.exe -dN1 -b1 -c10 -nRRTest -lSbase/main %*

Anonymous | 2012-04-20 02:19

Hello again; hope you don't mind lots of questions from a new player.

Starting from co-op edit mode on /lanserver, I made some changes to a map then typed /savemap foo (my best guess at 'save as' so I didn't overwrite the original).

1. That name didn't seem to appear anywhere in the regular GUI map menus ... not a big deal.
2. When I visit again with /map foo, the basic elements are there (including things I added) but textures or some such are wrong.
3. When my son visits from his computer, he just sees a blank checkerboard grid. He's on the map, e.g. he can can see me and shoot ... though sometimes the shots actually hit him!


I'm on the downloaded version of Sauerbraten; not sure how easy it would be to build from source if that might help.


Chillpill | 2012-04-17 23:32

So i'm stuck on a mac. it's my only computer that I got practically free. in great condition too. I want to host a server. but Wiki only has instructions for Windows and Linux. any help?
any reasons are i want to host a coop edit server and a private dueling server with my IRL and steam friends.

UPDATE** Okay, server works, now how do I get it out of private mode? whenever I try to join it, it tells me there was a successful connect, but the server is in private mode. I've tried adding servertype 0 to serverinit.cfg. What do?

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