Chasester_aka_you | 2013-06-01 02:16
New Website layout/design ideas
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There has been some discussion on redoing some of quadropolis functionality and layout. I and some other have discussed various ideas on a couple different nodes, this is a collection of all those posts.
All new ideas are welcome!
Please comment on any of the ideas, with any constructive criticism that you have

Layout ideas

fetz | 2012-10-28 17:28

I need to open .dds files for texturing!! But photoshop CS4 won't open dds, only cs5 and cs6! I found a dds plug in. BUT it was only for windows :(

(I am on OS X 10.4.11)

If anyone can help then please comment OR add me on skype: , then maybe you can help or, if worse comes to worse... teamviewer.

TheDoctor1212 | 2012-08-18 00:25
How to Mod Cube 1
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Can someone please create or send me a link to where i can get a good and useful guide on how to mod original Cube? Well i actually only want to edit the graphics for now. Can someone tell me ehat i need to do that i am good at 3D modelling I make maps and mods for Halo CE and Ace of Spades. I would really apreciate this.


The Doctor

Anonymous | 2012-07-08 21:00

Hello guys I'm new to Cube/Quadropolis and I've been "playing" with some editing stuff in Sauerbraten, I wanted to know how to change the guns and the player model (I wanted to add something like a halo guy or a terrorist from counter strike) Well I hope some1 could help me...

EditDude | 2012-06-25 00:15

hello, i just have a few questions.

first, how can i make textures move like in the map "turbine"?

and second, how can i bend and form glass and water in such ways the normal cube would bend from holding the "Q" key.

i will be thankful for any help i can get.

jbo1994 | 2012-05-31 22:47

In this tutorial, I will attempt to clarify the process for setting up for and exporting hudguns with hands for Sauerbraten and Red Eclipse.
You will need Blender 2.62 and SMD tools, which can be obtained here and here, respectively.
I will not provide instruction for the actual modeling process, only for rigging, exporting, and configuring.
Now, I’m going to assume that you have fully skinned hand and gun models for exporting; if you do not, this tutorial is going to be useless. First, rig the model. Select the model that you are going to rig, then select the rig, and press ctrl-p [with empty groups] and assign the vertices of the model to their proper groups. Make sure to keep gun and hand armatures separated:
Image Hosted by
By jbo_aka_jnosko at 2012-05-31

Now, add a bone to the hand armature, name it “tag_weapon”, and parent it to some bone in the hand holding the gun by selecting first the tag_weapon, then the bone to be parented to, and pressing ctrl-p. Mine is positioned here:
Image Hosted by
By jbo_aka_jnosko at 2012-05-31
As you can see, the relationship line goes to the tip of the wrist bone in the right hand.
Next, align the gun and hand models as they would appear in the first frame of the “idle” animation. After you have done that, add a bone to the gun armature named “tag_weapon”, and align this bone with the tag_weapon of the hand armature; parent it to the root bone of the gun.
for example:
Image Hosted by
By jbo_aka_jnosko at 2012-05-31
Place a bone at the end of the barrel or the tip of the blade, facing the direction of the projectile, name it “tag_muzzle”, and parent it to the root bone of the gun also.

If the weapon you are working on ejects brass (such as the SMG), you will need a bone named “tag_eject” at the point of ejection.

For the rest of you: Make sure that the origins of the gun armature and model are at the root of the tag_weapon of the gun armature. Put the hand armature in pose mode by pressing ctrl-tab. Select the gun armature and then select the tag_weapon of the hand armature; press ctrl-p [click “bone” in the menu]. This will make it easier to animate the hands and the gun working together.
Proceed with animating the hands and gun, making a separate action for idling, firing, (and reloading for RE) in the action editor, using separate actions for the hand and gun armatures.
Now we’re ready to export. go to the scene tab of the properties panel, and scroll down to the SMD export section. Set the output folder to “//smd//” f.e. “//smd/shotgun/”. now, select the gun armature, close the action that is assigned to the armature (to avoid duplicates), and then also select the gun model. Duplicate the selected items by pressing shift-d. Select the original gun armature and also the hand armature, and press alt-p [clear parent]. Take the original gun armature and model, snap the cursor to center with shift-s [cursor to center], and snap the selection to the cursor with shift-s [selection to cursor]. Align the tag_weapon to the global x-axis, then rotate with [r, x, 90, -] and then [r, z, 90]. (I also suggest that you set the origin for the hand model and armature at the center, but it's not mandatory.) Then proceed to scale the models WAAAY down, so that a long gun is about 2 blender units long. Otherwise, the point where the projs begin will be way too far forward.
Go back to the smd export panel and make sure the only the original hand and gun meshes are selected to export, and click “scene as configured”. Now, select only the original hand and gun armatures, making sure that the your “idle” animation is assigned to them. Go to the smd export panel and make sure the ONLY the original armatures are selected, and select “current/NLA” in the drop-down list for each. Press “scene as configured” again; repeat with all the other animations. (you may be able to use “action filter” from the list in the smd panel, but I’ve never tried it.)

Now to import them to the game. I recommend using the same set of hands for all of your guns, so that the game will only have to load one set of hands for all of the weapons.
For sauerbraten, create a folder in packages/models for your hudguns, and make the folders chaing, shotg, rl, gl, chainsaw, rifle, and pistol inside that. Place the exported hand model, animations, and skins inside the root hudguns folder; place the weapon models, animations, skins, and configurations inside their respective folders.
Unfortunately, these will not show up in team games, as I have absolutely no idea how to assign different skins for different teams. Also, if you decide to switch back, you will have to delete Sauerbraten’s configuration file. Otherwise, the default guns will be horribly disoriented, and I do not know why.
Sample configuration for Sauerbraten: (for more info on commands, see “models” in the documentation)
smddir ""
smdload "hands.smd"
smdpitch "" 1
smdtag tag_weapon tag_weapon
smdskin * "hands.png" "hands_mask.png" .4 .1
smdadjust Root -5 -7.5 0
smdanim "gun idle" "hands_chaing_idle.smd"
smdanim "gun shoot" "hands_chaing_fire.smd"

smddir "\chaing"
smdload "chaingun.smd"
smdtag tag_weapon tag_weapon
smdtag tag_muzzleflash tag_muzzle
smdskin * "chaing.png" "chaing_mask.png" .3 .2
smdanim "gun idle" "chaing_idle.smd"
smdanim "gun shoot" "chaing_fire.smd"

smdlink 0 1 tag_weapon

For Red Eclipse, things must be done differently. First go to the “models\actors\player” folder and make a backup of “hwep.cfg”. Then make a backup of the entire “weapons” folder. Delete the “md5.cfg” inside the “hwep” folder of the weapon you are currently replacing. Place only the weapon files in the hwep folder, along with configuration in the form of a “smd.cfg”. Now go back to the player folder and replace the original “hwep.cfg” with your own; place all of your hand files here.
sample configuration for the weapon:
smddir "weapons/,/hwep"
smdload ".smd"
smdskin * ".png" ".png" .09 .06
smdenvmap * "skyboxes/skylump2"
smdtag tag_muzzle tag_muzzle
smdtag tag_weapon tag_weapon
smdanim "" "_idle.smd"
smdanim " primary" "_fire.smd"
smdanim " secondary" "_fire.smd”
smdanim "" "_reload.smd"

mdlscale 1680

sample configuration for hwep.cfg:
smddir "actors/player"
smdload " hands.smd"
smdpitch "" 1
smdskin * " hands_skin.png" " hands_mask.png" .2 .4
smdbumpmap * "spartan_hands_normals.png"
smdenvmap * "skyboxes/skylump2"

smdtag tag_weapon tag_weapon

smdanim "switch|use|jam" "hands_switch.smd"

smdadjust Root -5 5 0
smdanim "smg" "hands_smg_idle.smd" 1
smdanim "smg primary" "hands_smg_fire.smd" 20
smdanim "smg secondary" "hands_smg_fire.smd" 20
smdanim "smg reload" "hands_smg_reload.smd" 51

smdadjust Root -7.5 5 0
smdanim "rifle" "hands_rifle_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "rifle primary" "hands_rifle_fire.smd" 120
smdanim "rifle secondary" "hands_rifle_fire.smd" 120
smdanim "rifle reload" "hands_rifle_reload.smd" 70

smdadjust Root -2.5 5 0
smdanim "flamer" "hands_flamer_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "flamer primary" "hands_flamer_fire.smd" 20
smdanim "flamer secondary" "hands_flamer_fire.smd" 20
smdanim "flamer reload" "hands_flamer_reload.smd" 10

smdadjust Root -7.5 2.5 0
smdanim "shotgun" "hands_shotgun_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "shotgun primary" "hands_shotgun_fire_alt.smd" 53.3
smdanim "shotgun secondary" "hands_shotgun_fire_alt.smd" 53.3
smdanim "shotgun reload" "hands_shotgun_reload_alt.smd" 45.75

smdadjust Root -7.5 2.5 0
smdanim "pistol" "hands_pistol_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "pistol primary" "hands_pistol_fire.smd" 260
smdanim "pistol secondary" "hands_pistol_fire.smd" 220
smdanim "pistol reload" "hands_pistol_reload.smd" 56.25

smdanim "grenade" "hands_grenade_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "grenade power" "hands_grenade_power.smd" 19
smdanim "grenade primary" "hands_grenade_fire.smd" 240
smdanim "grenade secondary" "hands_grenade_fire.smd" 240

smdadjust Root -7.5 7.5 0
smdanim "plasma" "hands_plasma_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "plasma primary" "hands_plasma_fire.smd" 240
smdanim "plasma secondary" "hands_plasma_fire.smd" 220
smdanim "plasma reload" "hands_plasma_reload.smd" 26.6

smdadjust Root -5 7.5 0
smdanim "sword" "hands_sword_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "sword primary" "hands_sword_attack1.smd" 66
smdanim "sword secondary" "hands_sword_attack2.smd" 106
smdanim "sword reload" "hands_sword_reload.smd" 40

smdadjust Root -5 2.5 0
smdanim "rocket" "hands_rocket_idle.smd" 0
smdanim "rocket primary" "hands_rocket_fire.smd" 240
smdanim "rocket secondary" "hands_rocket_fire.smd" 220
smdanim "rocket reload" "hands_rocket_reload.smd" 26.6

mdlscale 1680
Proceed to make a backup of your hwep.cfg and weapons folders. That way, all you have to do to switch back and forth is replace hwep.cfg and the weapons folder.
There. You’re all set to play Red Eclipse with your own guns.
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By jbo_aka_jnosko at 2012-05-31

johnadamsfromUS | 2012-05-22 23:58

Yes! So im new to sauer.. and new to the community, but i just want to inform everyone on a new game mode i've thought about.

The Game Background

So the game mode would involve a variety of different contestants with one goal..TO SURVIVE. However, this will prove to be a difficult task because weapons, along with health and Armour are limited and rare. Spread across a medium or vastly large map different items are kept in secret caves, tunnels, etc. waiting to be found. In order to survive the players must form alliances and take down other enemies because if they do die, they will not re-spawn back, which adds more suspense to the game of course. I also forgot to mention that their is only one winner. I REPEAT, ONE WINNER!

How the Game Would Take Place

Each game would start off with a certain number of people..say 15-24, more or less. At the start each player will be spawned onto a starting point. While at the starting point each player will await the countdown and be informed of rules and orders. (At the beginning of the game each player with be equip with chainsaw only.) Some of these rules are: They must wait for the countdown before advancing into the map. No re-spawning after death, which im sure can already be scripted. ( NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE ) not entering into edit mode.

After the countdown is done and all the players are out in the map gathering guns and equipment, anything is a go to survive. You may be a lone ranger and survive by yourself or decide to take your chances with teaming up with someone(s). Either way you must always remeber only one ay survive.


EditDude | 2012-05-06 08:39


i was just wondering on how i could name the bases i have set out in a map i made for regen capture?

Sneekerpimp | 2012-03-17 03:34

I've been poking around with Sauerbraten for a while now, and now I'm interested in actually modding some things. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no idea where Ubuntu installed all of the files. I'm not new to Sauerbraten, but Ubuntu is still kinda foreign to me though. Some help with this maybe?

jbo1994 | 2012-03-15 23:10

I'm looking to make a mod that alters the monsters, and I need to know what the values in the "struct monstertype" section do (mostly, I need to know how to increase the rate of fire for chaingun monsters). The source says to look at the docs, but There isn't actually any information on the source in the docs. I'm also wondering how to increase the maximum ammo for weapons.

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