Cicciobello | 2012-02-25 12:43

Last summer I asked you how to make a kill strike message; now I'll ask for something more difficult: rewards for kill strikes. I thought about rewards for 9, 18 and 27 kill strikes

For 9 kill strikes you get 10 rocket launcher ammo (I actually only need to know the variable, I can't find it)

For 18 kill strikes (this is difficult to make) the mapmodel of the helicopter (that one used in the map justice) flyes trough the map and shots a lot of grenades in all directions (I'm not crazy, it's just a raid)

For 27 kill strikes (this is even more difficult than the previous and also more noob) the helicopter fly around the map for 40 seconds and shots with the chaingun to other players

If you have any idea of how to make the second or the third kill strike reward please tell me (but do not waste time posting that I'm a crazy noob). For the first just tell me how the RL's ammo variable is called (I'm getting mad to look for it!)

A_W_O_L__ | 2012-02-24 16:23

ok so i had an idea because i was playing a map named zombie. it seemed to grab alot of attention. but playing it was a mess.
every 30 sec u were forcing bots to the evil team and it really was a pain.
so this is my idea and anybody willing to help is welcome.

ok i want to make a zombie mode cube script yes i know to make a true zombie mode u would have to edit the source code
but the more i think about it it is really simple
it needs to open a menu with 2 buttons and a check box

1. button 1 needs to say spawn team good
2. needs to say start count down
3. checkbox needs to enable the script

how its going to work

when the script is enabled it needs to do a team divide kinda like the clan war script bots all go to team evil
everyone else goes to team good.

everyone by defualt will be forced spec until the spawn team good button is pressd and when pressed it will unspec only the uninfected team
and when everyone is ready you press the count down button

then the script will say the countdown and when it says GO!!! then it makes like lets say 3 bots with low skill level lets say like 50 min 75 max.

and the script needs to keep track of who dies such as bot[1] is killed it needs to force spec the bot[1] or if lets say bot[2] kills joe
then joe needs to be forced spec.
and then if the good team kills all bots for that round then anyone that was killed in that round will be unspec for round 2
then for round 2 it will say round 2 and it will unspec all bots and add 1 more bot with a better skill.
and this will continue until the whole team dies

it fairly simple setup but im not a pro at cube script so im not sure if all of this will even work
just an idea i had and would like input.

jbo1994 | 2012-02-09 23:23

Hi. I was wondering if the .smd format can be used to make hudguns for sauerbraten; and if so, how it would need to be done. I have scoured the internet for a solution, but apparently nobody has tried it before. any help would be greatly appreciated.

edit - It can be done, and three guns are complete. Here's the mediafire link:
Halo-Style Hudguns

One more question - if I wanted to make hudguns that had both red and blue models (for mp) would I have to make a new player model?

Hey I'm LR7 from SauerBraten. some of you are likely to recolonize me from that game. I'm new to these forms so at this moment I don't have alot going on here.

Anyways I have plans to build a new kind of Operating System which I call L-Core.

Base off of Linux Mint and gnome modified with the help of remastersys, and some reconfiguring to function as its own operating system as a concept of a future OS that I like to make anytime soon.

The Real credit belongs to the people that build the programs
and the whole source code. I only change some configurations and put them together.

So heres what I'm going to do with this. I'd like give it a new kind of desktop environment that can possibly replace gnome and yet it uses alot less resource power than gnome 3 KDE and Unity. But ever since I found out about This game I had some plans to use cube script as another part of my OS. So heres what I'm trying to say. how would you like to see your own maps being used on a desktop background using compiz holding ogz files along with other formats from blender and many others? Well I certainly do to further cube mapping skills and putting those awesome looking maps in use instead of having it lying around not being usable unless you used the game to even view the maps. As much as it goes with usability and compatibility this may also further more cube development and possibly invent something completely different from whats normal.

Other than cube related stuff it will also serve other prepossess for beginners, gamers, Artists, business application to advance users like programmers, white hat hackers, and even industrial hardware uses and many more to come.

I hope to have something like this In my next release L-Core BIO v1.1 when its possible.

right now this is how far I gotten in my OS so far so get this link to see what I did so far.

and here are the plans

Till then this is LR7 Logging out

CD Xbow | 2012-01-25 00:02

In the IQM toolkit there are export scripts for Blender up to 2.59. We have 2.60a and I was wondering if anyone knows if the 2.59 exporter works properly with 2.60a.

FrenchBadPing | 2011-12-01 08:46

Status : Need help from good scripters (and from others after)

Ok guys, as you know, I'm pretty painful/distressing in my kind ! But I really need some help !

So, to stop polluting everything with my Quadro too many questions I am going to centralize everything on that node. It will be easier for everyone. I would try to maintain it by deleting it regularly (it would be a shame to block the server again ;-)

I therefore call all Sauer's experts such as Chaos, SRBS, Razgriz, Suicizer and all the others to help me in my project.

As you may have noticed, I'm not very good at English, so forgive me if I use the wrong vocabulary of GoogleTrad ;-)


- The origins :
This is an old project I had stopped and I took recently. At the time, I downloaded all the contents of Quadropolis (several gigabytes) and all other projects based on CubeEngine2...
I recently set out to create a gutter, then, of course, as there was not proper texture for the roof, I've created some, and then I found a free pack of textures that I have undertaken to integrate, then I have creating other textures which missed... I temporarily stop the developement of this package because it quickly became clear to me that he had to implement new features to the Sauer's GUI for integrate all these new content.

- The definition :
This project has several stages :
A) The first goal is to improve CubeEngine without changing a single line of code so as not to create yet another fork.
The first step must take the form of a non-invasive package for Sauer and consists of two things :

    1) Gather all the additional contents (of quality) already created (except maps !) and create or adapt some others (as long as they are free to use !). This is to definitely get out of the 20th century ;-)
    2) Create new structures to make the setup more modular and therefore, to fill any gaps of the GUI. This begins first by the establishment of new structures, internationalization (of all that can be translated without modifying the source code), the management of new and special contents, the profiles management (as in all modern games), and going to create a better documentation !

B) In a second step, the goal might be to create an ultimate fork by modifying the source code but in the context of a real engine simple and versatile, and not simply just as a game. (but we are not there yet !!!)

The project is placed in the Public Domain (or lisense CC0).

So a lot of work to do to refresh our favorite game ;-)


- The old textures package : ;

UPDATES : Knowledge database, actual unfinished UCElib, and bonus "colored_speech.cfg"

Yo Quad community, I have a question. Is there anyway I could import Quake 3 models into sauerbraten? I have downloaded the modelpack, and I need help to see if there's any way.
Help please!

Cicciobello | 2011-10-16 18:22

I've looked at the FPS Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and I liked the way that you get points with kills. I would like to know if it's possible to create an OFFLINE mode which allows points instead of frags and a bonus for multiple kills.


unixfreak | 2011-10-05 08:11

Hi all, have been wondering if its possible (without source modification) to add some kind of scope/sight to the screen when zoomed in with a weapon.

I am not too sure if a mod for this exists, at least i couldn't find one here.

I had been playing around with the default crosshairs, simply making them ridiculous sizes like 1920x1080, hoping that i could add an over-sized crosshair, so that when zooming in a simple check would swap to the gigantic crosshair, similar to this sort of thing from a quick google search:

Now i realize its not possible, at least the way i have tried as the crosshairs are scaled to a fixed size when used in the game, and they can only be made so large (via crosshairsize).

Is there some way to overlay/draw an image to the screen in cubescript? If not, which file should i be looking at in sauerbratens source?

Thanks for suggestions.

antiklimax | 2011-06-16 08:25

Hi! I added it to one of my models a simple spin animation ( mdlspin -1 ). Because of that I made it stir from its centre in order for it not to turn only, but the model will be invisible so when it steps out of his original centre. it's possible to correct this thing? An increased mdlbb does not correct this...
Video here

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